With my friends & Lee Sonsaeng-nim |
안녕하세요 친구들, last saturday I'm playing Korean traditional game "yutnori/ yut (윷놀이))" with my friends and teacher from Korean Language class at KCC. It 's really fun and interesting. Maybe you have seen this game before but wondering how to play this game, so I will teach you how to play yutnori. I hope you enjoy reading this post.
Yutnori is a traditional board game played in Korea, especially during Korean New Year. Yutnori had 3 equipment :
- Yutnori Board, called mal-pan (말판) normally made of stitched cloth with rectangular shape or round shape. Now there's more variation for board material such as paper, plastic sheet or wood sheet.
Yut Board from paper |
Yut Board from stitched cloth |
Yut Board from Plastic sheet |
- Yut Stick, called as jang-jak yut (장작윷) are four sticks with 15 - 17 cm in length and diameter about 2 - 3 cm. These sticks are split into halves. Chestnut-wood is most commonly used, but birch-wood is also common. These woods are chosen for weight and the fresh sound they make when playing. Usually there's one stick that labelled and means back/ back one step (후퇴). More information about this read Yut rules & Special condition below. Beside jang-jak yut there's also bam yut (밤윷), the difference is on stick measurement. Bam Yut are about 3 cm in length and diameter about 1 cm and also are split into halves. Bam Yut are played in a small bowl/ shaken in the palm and then released.
Jang-jak yut (장작윷) |
Bam yut (밤윷) |
- Mal (말) means horse in Korean, a small tokens (marks) used for the game. There are four tokens for each team. Usually this token made from black and white plastic, common mals are coins, buttons, small pebbles or even chess beads.
Mal (말) |
How to Play Yutnori
To make it easy, I'm searching the table of yut rules on google and modify it below :
Yut Rules |
Yut Board |
Special Condition :
- If you got "do" (pigs) for your first step and then when your turn to throw yut again you got a step back (후퇴)--> your token step back one move to the "mo" (horse) then you were considered to have passed the finish position and you only have 3 token remain to immediately past the finish position to win.
It's simple and interesting right ? Let's play yutnori together next time. ^^
Below are some picture from last Saturday :
Prize for the winners |
Our Sonsaeng-nim explain the rules |
Interesting Games |
1st winner |
2nd winner - our team |
3rd winner |
Here is my photo with my friends and our teacher Lee Kang Rak Sonsaeng-nim. Our teacher always smile all the time ^^.
Say Kimchi ^^ |
Farewell card from all students |
See you again on my next post and if you
have a question regarding the post or Korean Culture & Tourism
please comment below. Maybe I could help you.
Source for pictures in this
post is from my file and KCC Friend Tia Hariani & Srianissa Mutiara. Thank you so much..
Source for other pictures is from Google.
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