Sunday, May 26, 2013

Korean Language Class Experience at KCCI

안녕, 오랜만이지요?
This time I want to share my experience from learning Korean Language at Korean Cultural Center Indonesia (KCCI). Right now I'm attending Basic 3, there's seven level at KCCI : Basic 1, Basic 2, Basic 3, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2, Intermediate 3 and Advance 1. Each level took 12 weeks and 4 hour each week.
There's also an option class to learn Korean Language such as Conversation Class, Song Class & Movie Class.

I like learning Korean Language, indeed sometimes the language can be difficult but the fun part is above those difficulties.

I've got a new friends at KCCI and we usually share stories about our liking towards Korean Culture, K-Drama or K-Pop.

Here's some picture I took at KCCI & activity after class :

한국어 교실
I don't know why but I always get Se Jong room since Basic 1 until now. Other student sometimes got a different room each level. The view from this room is the best. ^^

한국 음식 (aka. Korean Food)
Sometimes we also go out and eat Korean Food together. My favourite Korean Food so far is 떡볶이 (spicy rice cake) and 삼계탕 (chicken with ginseng soup)
작별 파티 - Last Day Basic 1
We also go out to eat dinner together after we finished Basic 1. We ate 찜닭 (Steamed Chicken) and drink 소주 (Soju)*  선생님은 저녁 식사를 주셔서 감사합니다.
*Only adult people who can drink this and yeay I'm an adult. ㅋㅋㅋ

Eru (이루) Live Concert in Jakarta w/ KCCI friends ^^
Last month, together with my class friend we got a chance to watch Eru live in concert from KCCI. Actually I never heard Eru song before the concert. But I must say that he is a great singer after this day & I really enjoyed his performance that night.
Besides Eru there's also a guest star : Ailee, Bae chigi & Shorry J (Mighty Mouth). Eru also sing popular K-Pop song such as Fantastic Baby (Big Bang), I Am the Best (2NE1), Put Your Hands Up (2PM), Gangnam Style (PSY) and many more. 콘서트에 진짜 재미있었어요 ...

Mix Pict...( =^0^=)
I also got a chance to photos with Pororo, my favourite cartoon.ㅋㅋㅋ Actually that day is my bad face day, not wearing any make up & not intended to be in any picture. But who can resist take a picture with Pororo. And there you go a picture that I got after compete with other kids (really a 3 - 6 year kids). Shame on me T_T
Actually I want to post my picture with my classmate friends too, but I haven't ask their permission. So I will save the pictures for my next post.  ^^ 기다려주세요

There's also many interesting event that held by KCCI to bridge Korean Culture spread in Indonesia such as Korean movie screening, Korean - Indonesian Week, Hanbok Experience & many more.
If you want to know more about KCCI just click here and if you live at Jakarta-Indonesia I invited you to come & join me at KCCI for more knowledge about Korean Culture /Korean Language.
If you want to know more about me please follow my Facebook, Twitter , Instagram or email me on .

Hope you enjoy reading my experience at KCCI. See you again on my next post. 안녕..

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