안녕하세요, 제이름은 Noviani 예요 (*Hello, My name Noviani).
Today, I will share to you " How to Introduce Yourself in Korean" such as your name, age, nationality, hometown & job. Before that, you still remember my previous post about hangeul ?? If you haven't read, click here . It will help you to be able to reading hangeul if you already memorized the alphabets.
Now let's move on to the next lesson shall we.
이름 : 저는 노피아니 예요 . Pronounce : I-reum : Jo-neun Noviani ye yo.
Name : I'm Noviani .
나이 : 저는 스물여섯 살 이에요. Pronounce : Na-i : Jo-neun se-mul yo-sot sal i e yo.
Age : I'm 26 years old .
나라 : 저는 인도네시아 사람 이에요. Pronounce : Na-ra : Jo-neun Indonesia sa-ram i e yo.
Nationality : I'm Indonesia people.
도시 : 저는 자카르타 에 살아요. Pronounce : Do-si : Jo-neun Jakarta e sa-ra-yo.
City : I'm live in Jakarta .
직업 : 저는 회사원 이에요. Pronounce : Jig-ob : Jo-neun hoe-sa-won i e yo.
Job : I'm an office worker .
Notes :
You can see that at the end of some sentence I use -이에요/-예요. What is the difference ??
Well, we use -이에요 if the last syllable of the sentence consist of 받침 'bachim' and we use -예요 if the last syllable of the sentence doesn't consist of 받침 'bachim'. When the consonant is in the final position of syllable it is called a 'bachim' .
The sound of consonant makes can sometimes change whether it is in the initial positon or the bachim. You can read more about bachim from Korea Tourism Organization Official Website in here
For example :
I use -이에요 when I said my nationality "저는 인도네시아 사람 이에요", in this sentence 사람 'sa-ram' is the last word and consist of bachim 'ᄆ' (m).
I use -예요 when I said my name "저는 노피아니 예요" , in this sentence 노피아니 'Noviani' is the last word and doesn't consist of bachim and 'ᅵ' (i) is a vowel.
Now, you can try introduce yourself by filling the underline text with your own answer, I will share to you some related vocabulary below :
Age --> you must add 살 'sal' (to refer to your years of age)
열살 = 10 years old Pronounce : yeol-sal
열한살 = 11 years old Pronounce : yeol-han-sal
열두살 = 12 years old Pronounce : yeol-du-sal
열세살 = 13 years old Pronounce : yeol-se-sal
스물살 = 20 years old Pronounce : se-mul-sal
스물네살 = 24 years old Pronounce : se-mul-ne-sal
스물다섯살 = 25 years old Pronounce : se-mul-da-sot-sal
스물일곱살 = 27 years old Pronounce : se-mul-il-gob-sal
서른살 = 30 years old Pronounce : so-ren-sal
서른여덟살 = 38 years old Pronounce : so-ren-yo-dol-sal
서른아홉살 = 39 years old Pronounce : so-ren-a-hop-sal
Nationality --> you must add 사람 'sa-ram' behind your country name (means people)
한국 사람 = Korean people Pronounce : Han-guk sa-ram
중국 사람 = Chinese people Pronounce : Jung-guk sa-ram
대만 사람 = Taiwanese people Pronounce : Tae-man sa-ram
일본 사람 = Japanese people Pronounce : Il-bon sa-ram
베트남 사람 = Vietnam people Pronounce : Be-te-nam sa-ram
몽골 사람 = Mongolian people Pronounce : Mong-gol sa-ram
태국 사람 = Thai people Pronounce : Tae-guk sa-ram
영국 사람 = British people Pronounce : Yong-guk sa-ram
대학생 = College students Pronounce : Dae-hak-saeng
학생 = Students Pronounce : Hak-saeng
초등 학생 = Elementary School Students Pronounce : Cho-deng Hak-saeng
중 학생 = Middle School Students Pronounce : Jung Hak-saeng
고등 학생 = High School Students Pronounce : Go-deng Hak-saeng
의사 = Doctor Pronounce : Ei-sa
선생님 = Teacher Pronounce : Son-saeng-nim
주부 = Housewife Pronounce : Ju-bu
요리사 = Chef Pronounce : Yo-ri-sa
Can you introduce yourself in Korean now?? It's not difficult right ??
Wait for my next post, I will share more of Korean Vocabulary and 'How do you ask someone what they're doing in Korean'.
I'm not a native Korean speaker so please correct me if there's misleading information in my post & hope my post useful.
Don't hesitate to contact me on Facebook, Twitter or my email pipi_2711@yahoo.co.id if you need more information about my post. I will be glad to help you.
One more things, please make sure to visit Korea Tourism Organization Official Website & Buzz Korea to learn more about daily conversation, more interesting fact of hangeul and more information about Korean Culture. 감사합니다.....

My source for this post & picture is : 세종한국어 1 (Korean Cultural Center Indonesia), Korea Tourism Organization Website, Buzz Korea Website, Wikipedia & Google.
Thank U A Lot Unni , U Really Helped Me .
ReplyDeleteKamsamnida , Fighting ! ^^
Your welcome, thank you for read. 감사합니다. 화이팅. ^0^
DeleteIt's a little bit complicated but with all of this I'm sure it will be a lot more easier for me :)) kamsamnida :) Fighting .. ^_^
ReplyDeleteYour welcome. Fighting. ^0^
DeleteI m trying to find how to say to a child