안녕하세요, ME again.... Finally I have time to writing my new post & fulfill my passion towards Korean Language again.
It's been a while since my last post about How to Introduce Yourself in Korean . You still remember it right ???? ᄏᄏᄏᄏ
오늘, November 27 is a special day because I'm 27 years old now. (Lucky number right ??) <3 <3
And I want to share a new lesson about "How to ask someone what they're doing in Korean Language".
And I want to share a new lesson about "How to ask someone what they're doing in Korean Language".
(I think the title post is to longggg ᄏᄏᄏᄏ)
Let's start the lesson .....
Formula : NOUN + 은/는 (You use 은 'en' when last syllable consist bachim and use 는 'nen' when last syllable doesn't consist bachim)
For example :
1. 제 이름은 노피예요 Pronounce : Je ireum en Novi ye yo. --> the last syllables 'ᄆ'is a bachim so we use 은 'en'
My Name is Novi.
2. 저는 노피예요 Pronounce : Jo nen Novi ye yo. --> the last syllables 'ᅥ' is a vowel so we use 는 'nen'
I am Novi.
Other example :
1. 선생님은 한국 사람 이 에요? Pronounce : Son saeng nim en han guk sa ram i e yo?. --> the last syllables 'ᄆ' is a bachim so we use 은 'en'
Teacher are you a Korean ?
2. 노피 씨는 회사원 이에요? Pronounce : Novi-ssi nen hwe sa won i e yo ?. --> the last syllables 'ᅵ'is a vowel so we use 는 'nen'
Is Ms. Novi an office worker ?
Formula : VERB/ADJECTIVE + -어요 / -아요 (You use -어요 '-o yo' when last syllable consist bachim and use -아요 '-a yo' when last syllable doesn't consist bachim)
For example :
1. 먹다. Pronounce : Mok da, means Eat. --> the last syllables 'ᄀ' is a bachim so we use -어요 '-o yo' and the words will be 먹어요 Pronounce : Mok o yo .
2. 자다. Pronounce : Ja da, means Sleep. --> the last syllables 'ᅡ'is a vowel so we use -아요 '-a yo' and the words will be 자요 Pronounce : Ja yo .
We can use it in sentence : 지용 씨는 자요. Pronounce : Ji yong ssi nen ja yo, means Mr. Ji yong sleep.
Now let's start our conversation :
나 : 지용 씨는 뭐 해요? Pronounce : Na : Ji Yong -ssi nen mwo hae yo ?
Me : Mr. Ji Yong what are you doing ?
지용 : 노래 해요 Pronounce : Ji Yong : No rae hae yo
Ji Yong : I'm Singing.
지용 : 노피 찌는 뭐 해요 Pronounce : Ji Yong : Novi -ssi nen mwo hae yo ?
Ji Yong : Ms. Novi what are you doing ?
나 : 공부 해요 Pronounce : Na : Gong bu hae yo
Me : I'm study.
You can also ask the person you talking to with further question, for example :
나 : 지용 씨는 어디에 가요? Pronounce : Na : Ji Yong-ssi nen odi e ka yo ?
Me : Where Mr. Ji Yong going?
지용 : 공원 에 가요 Pronounce : Ji Yong : Gong won e ka yo
Ji Yong : Going to the park.
나 : 지용 씨는 집 에 가요? Pronounce : Na : Ji Yong-ssi nen jib e ka yo ?
Me : Mr. Ji Yong going home?
1. 지용 : 네, 집에 가요 Pronounce : Ji Yong : Ne, jib e ka yo.
Ji Yong : Yes, going home.
2. 지용 : 아니요, 백화점 에 가요 Pronounce : Ji Yong : Aniyo, baek hwa jom e ka yo.
Ji Yong : No, going to department store.
Notes : We use 에 means go to/at before mention the place name.
Now, you can try to fill the underlined words with your own word. Here's some of vocabulary you can use :
일하다 = Work Pronounce : Il ha da
자디 = Sleep Pronounce : Ja da
공부하다 = Study Pronounce : Gong bu ha da
운동하다 = Exercise Pronounce : Un dong ha da
전화하다 = Call Pronounce : Jon hwa ha da
이야기하다 = Talk Pronounce : I ya gi ha da
먹다 = Eat Pronounce : Mok da
가다 = Go Pronounce : Ga da
보다 = See Pronounce : Bo da
학교 = School Pronounce : Hak kyo
대학교 = University Pronounce : Dae hak kyo
고등학교 = High School Pronounce : Go deng hak kyo
중학교 = Middle School Pronounce : Jung hak kyo
초등학교 = Elementary School Pronounce : Cho deng hak kyo
공원 = Park Pronounce : Gong won
회사 = Company Pronounce : Hwe sa
식당 = Restaurant Pronounce : Sig dang
시장 = Market Pronounce : Si jang
집 = House Pronounce : Jib
백화점 = Department Store Pronounce : Baek hwa jom
영화관 = Cinema/ Theater Pronounce : Yong hwa gwan
Now I guess you can start a conversation with your Korean friend when you meet them.
Once again, I'm not a native Korean speaker so please correct me if there's misleading information in my post & hope my post useful.
Don't hesitate to contact me on Facebook, Twitter or my email pipi_2711@yahoo.co.id if you need more information about my post. I will be glad to help you.
One more things, please make sure to visit Korea Tourism Organization Official Website & Buzz Korea to learn more about daily conversation, more interesting fact of hangeul and more information about Korean Culture & Tourism. 감사합니다.....
PS: Wait my next post, I'm thinking about writing 'How to describe the location of your belongings'....emm or maybe something else.. any request ??? ^0^

My source for this post & picture is : 세종한국어 1 (Korean Cultural Center Indonesia), Korea Tourism Organization Website, Buzz Korea Website, Wikipedia & Google.
Many thanks to VIP who draw chibi BigBang picture, I'm sorry using the picture without your permission because I didn't knew who you are.